A Joinery home can live in any environment. Designed with an emphasis on sustainability, the Joinery system is crafted to use much less energy than a typical house. The grouped structures and method of construction also lends well to a focus on alternative methods of utility like solar power and rainwater harvesting.
Our team will design you a plan to meet your needs as it comes to energy requirements. Joinery can be built to have net zero energy consumption while focusing on low energy materials, highly efficient mechanical systems, daylighting, water saving features, natural ventilation systems and energy efficient LED lighting. All of these combined components can create an extremely efficient living environment for many decades into the future.
To limit material waste and labor transportation, modular construction of your home is available to you as an additional option.
A Joinery home can live in any environment. Designed with an emphasis on sustainability, the Joinery system is crafted to use much less energy than a typical house. The grouped structures and method of construction also lends well to a focus on alternative methods of utility like solar power and rainwater harvesting.
Our team will design you a plan to meet your needs as it comes to energy requirements. Joinery can be built to have net zero energy consumption while focusing on low energy materials, highly efficient mechanical systems, daylighting, water saving features, natural ventilation systems and energy efficient LED lighting. All of these combined components can create an extremely efficient living environment for many decades into the future.
To limit material waste and labor transportation, modular construction of your home is available to you as an additional option.